We are on a quest! Nancy has asked us to help her collect knitted helmet liners for the troops in Afghanistan. google K-help and you will see what we are talking about.
These liners need to be knitted in 100% wool such as Galway or Cascade 220, each hank will make 2 liners. They are basically caps very easy to knit and quick made one last night. Anyway
with purchase of either Galway or Cascade220 and upon the return of the liner we will give you a coupon for 10% off your next purchase of yarn. We are planning to ship the liners on or about December 15. If we can knit up two hats each we will have quite a few. Also I will teach anyone who is interested in learning how to knit the liners every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm.
Sooo Help Out please!!
On another note I promissed to give you a pattern and a pix well the pix is not here yet but here is the pattern:
With size 19 needles and two strands of Baby Alpaca Grand, you will need two hanks but you will also have left over (it takes about 75 yds )
Cast on 17 stitches
**Row 1: K1, P1, across
next repeat row 1 four more times ( you will have seed stitch)
next in keeping in seed stitch K1 yarn over (yo) 3 times, p1 yo 3 times, across the row
next in keeping in seed stitch knit 1 drop the yo, p1 drop the yo across the row**
(you will have very loopy stitches)
repeat from **row 1 to ** for an additional 5 more times a total of 6 repeat.
or you can cast on less and make a long scarf or cast on more and you can have a shawl. It is so versatile and soooo soft. You will love it.