Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
The holidays have arrived I hope you are all prepared!! We here at the studio have been busy rearranging the studio to make the most of the available space.  I'm sure by now you all know how much I love yarn!! So I just added more wall space for yarn to display plus I've enlisted the help of my husband electrician and have more spot lights and still I want more!  Hampden Hills Alpaca Magic is due to come in anytime now (Can't wait). 

Also I received a dozen Noro Magazines if any of you  are interested please email they are not listed on website.  The magazine normally retails for $9.99 and for nonnas customer they are $7.99 a 20% discount.  Most of our yarns are a min. of 20% discount but only if you email your order I can't do it thru website.  Also the studio is always open (it's my walkout basement)  email or text me, to make sure I'm in, when you want to come  to see/touch/feel the yarns!!  By the way we do meet every Thursday afternoon from 12:30 - 3:00,  we have a great group of ladies!!

I have also been busy finishing some project and adding some. The picture below is a little wrap for what I call a Nickie size!   :-)  This yarn is 100% American spun natural color donated by Anita the Alpaca from Hampden Hills Alpaca!!!  It has 300 yds/ 4 oz , and it is so wonderful to knit with then you give it a bath and wow does it ever bloom!!!

In retrospect I should have purchased one more hank but didn't know at the time what I was going to knit with it.  I love the pattern too its called "Lace Cables" its an 8 row repeat and a multiple of 11 stitches plus 7 did a little math and I cast on 70 sts (4 garter sts on each side) also I used a size 7 needle I wanted it to be a loose knit.

This cardi I used Romney Ridge Farm worsted yarn called Fire.  I was worried about this yarn cause it felt rather scratchy but after soaking for a while in wool wash it really soften up quite a bit and its great!  The pattern is also a quick one first off I knitted with size 9 needle so you know that goes quick.  I begin with one front knit to the desired length then increase for sleeve, maybe 8 sts, continue to shoulder then put on hold go and work on other side.  Once you have both fronts at the same point put center sts ( I put the border sts plus 5) on hold and put remaining sts back on needle,  work across to the sts on hold now you have to cast on for back of neck (not as many as you have on hold) then continue to other end.  Now you are working on the back of your sweater.  Continue to you reach sleeve increase of the front (fold at neck edge, I put marker)  but now you decrease the same amount of sts. Continue to end!!  love this pattern I was able to complete in less then 2 weeks. By the way as with any hand dyed yarn alternate hanks so the yarns combine in color.  There is no written pattern for this cardigan I just play around with the gauge and calculate more or less  how many to cast on for one front!!!

Finally I have a video which I tried to download here but did not work however I do have it on facebook here is the link:
Not sure weather it will work.  Its a video  of the studio. Enjoy!!

Once again Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!

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