Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Nonna's Knitters Shine

This adorable little jacket was designed and knitted by Barbara!

Karen the first to finish the mitered square jacket!
A perfect fit and such a wonderful job.
Karen enjoyed it so much she is planing another
Way to to Karen!!!

Now this adorable little set was knitted by another Barbara also a first time grandma
(Nonna) Barbara used Debbie Bliss Pure Silk.

Now this pull over vest was knitted very quickly.
Love those big needles!

Look how proud Marion is!!
Marion knitted this jacked with DB Donogal chunky plus DB astrakan in the edges.
One of our patterns. Marion is also knitting another for her niece just a bit smaller!!

This is just precious! Sublime has the pretties patterns.

There will be more pictures coming its just that I am a bit slow in down loading.
I will try to keep up with all my wonderful knitters/crocheters in this coming new year!
We here at Nonnas wish you all a very happy and healthy AND PROSPEROUS New Year!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


A big Thank you goes out to all of you who helped out with the helmet liners.. We collected 145 liners and they are off. Anna picked up on Wednesday for delivery Just in time for Christmas. I have to apologize though, there was no time for pix. Anna had to leave quickly. But hey we managed to get an okay from Anna to keep on knitting liners, cause she will keep on delivering to the troops. Therefore knitters keep those fingers busy and knit up some more.

Nonnas customers are a special breed we are so proud to know you all!

Wishing you all a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

All's Good

The problem is solved! Our site is back on. It took a little figuring out but we managed to get it back on track.

The holiday spirit and good will is on high, you have all been so generous with you time. We counted 80 liners today the basket is overflowing and there are more coming. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!

NEW NEW NEW: Buttons galore. A new shipment of beautiful buttons has arrived and my are they gorgeous! They have to be seen! Also Lantern Moon has shipped big fabulous knitting bags some are of palm some are of silk. And pretty baskets to store your projects while you knit.

Fiesta and Prism as made a appereance here at nonnas and its already flying off the shelves.
and have you heard of this wool called Dyelot yarn? Its hand made in Santa Fe, New Mexico it has a total of 690 yds it is a mixture of 6 different hanks of yarn twisted into one with some magnificent colors. We have Pearl, Winterbarry, Ristra & Tres Santa Fe.

Don't forget the holiday are really getting close so if you are in need of a quick and easy scarf project you have come in the right place cause you know I love to knit with biiiiggggg needles.
We are specialist in combining yarns making your scarf a one of a kind. Therefore come on in for a free consultation!