The problem is solved! Our site is back on. It took a little figuring out but we managed to get it back on track.
The holiday spirit and good will is on high, you have all been so generous with you time. We counted 80 liners today the basket is overflowing and there are more coming. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!!!!
NEW NEW NEW: Buttons galore. A new shipment of beautiful buttons has arrived and my are they gorgeous! They have to be seen! Also Lantern Moon has shipped big fabulous knitting bags some are of palm some are of silk. And pretty baskets to store your projects while you knit.
Fiesta and Prism as made a appereance here at nonnas and its already flying off the shelves.
and have you heard of this wool called Dyelot yarn? Its hand made in Santa Fe, New Mexico it has a total of 690 yds it is a mixture of 6 different hanks of yarn twisted into one with some magnificent colors. We have Pearl, Winterbarry, Ristra & Tres Santa Fe.
Don't forget the holiday are really getting close so if you are in need of a quick and easy scarf project you have come in the right place cause you know I love to knit with biiiiggggg needles.
We are specialist in combining yarns making your scarf a one of a kind. Therefore come on in for a free consultation!