Friday, June 6, 2014

Have you ever worked with Noro Yarns? 
We Love Noro any Noro the colors and the feel are magnificent.  As a matter of fact I just received a box of new yarns and most of it is Noro ** Silk Garden ** all time favorite and some **Aytori** and a new yarn **Kibou**  If you want to see all the different Noro yarns just visit Knitting Fever website, very difficult to decide on just one. 

Knitting Fever just posted this link on facebook and I had to share please go take a look press tab 2 and its a video on the manufacturing and ideas of the Noro company founder!!

Below you can see how much we like the Noro Yarns!!

the log cabin blanket is knitted with all left over *Tayo* hanks and its still in progress.  It's my go to in between project.
Get yourselves some Noro and have fun!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Zoom Jacket!!

Remember my new obsession with the zoom loom?  I made a table mat but that was too quick for me so I'm experimenting on making a cardigan for Nickie.   I found in my stash of yarn a-plenty  a Filatura di Crosa "Tiffany" a sparkly cotton blend (only 3) then I supplemented with a bamboo to match also only 3 in stash.
Here in the picture below the cardi is almost done I still have add to the length. It's a little too short it's like a bolero therefore I have one more skein of bamboo which I'll use to add to the length.

More pictures to come soon!!